29 Juni 2009
Say goodbye to highschool drama
Now i don't have to wearing a 'mask' and being faked to anyone.
Now i don't have to put on such a good fake smile anymore.
Real and fake friends don't even have any differences.
Bye bye high school drama.
27 Juni 2009
Trouble sleeping
My eyes keep searching for something to see, my body starts to twists, from here to there an indication for an exhaustion.
It's Sunday already, Monday is ahead and i never said i was waiting for Monday
cause Monday it is, Mondays we hate
Can I pass Monday please ?Eeergh, don't bother Monday anymore
bother this,the problem-I-always-have-in-every-holidays
trouble sleeping.
a mini vexatious less significant problem I always had
Help me,or at least accompany me until I'm asleep,
and witness myself within my own dream..
Read this (!)
I totally care.
Well, I'm a proud for being myself, and it doesn't make me heartless, that i've been wishing i'd be. All rumors you have spread, those shiteous mocking and talking whatsoever. Have made me think twice about giving respect. We know we're not even friends but please stop misjudging. Because you don't know me at all. My attitude, every sentence that've splitted out my mouth, are not your business. My past and background are not the worldwide news. Myself is not a comparison to others. Pity you couldn't tolerate an odd side of my life, when I was suffering to tolerate yours. And for the sake of being exist, you huddled your "buddies" up by hurting someone. How uncool. Please do not create your own notion based on your over confidence. I believe a douchebag alone is better than huge amount of it. And here I'm free to express what has been running across my brain, so you know what? FUCKTHIS
as time goes by...

My classmates for 2 years :----)
Back to senior high,
I remember every single minute from my grade 10 until grade 12
Where i stood, where i sat,where i laughed, where i cried,where i was happy, where i was upset where i made things right, and where i messed up.
And where i was, there were my friends who always stood up beside me.
I had the best, i had the worst.
I've felt the loyalty, i've felt the backstabbed.
I fell in love, i fell out of love.
I was young, and i grew up.
I made the wrongs and i learned.
We all write the wrongs.
From time to time we still stand in a circle, a circle of what i called friendship with an additional of love. I drew it up as a circle, cause i don't want any square or rectangle. Square and rectangle has end points, but not a circle, a circle has no end. And that's us, we have no end. No end of love, no end of hopes, no end of laughs, we just got no ending of everything.
So hey there senior high friends! How are you and how's life treating you?
25 Juni 2009
Bye bye high school
Never thought high school can be so dramatic in the end
Reminiscing our stories through our pictures we took, back when we were out together and sat together, teasing everyone and we made jokes that only us can understand
And through everything that we made...
Goodbye laughs and cries, soul mates and backstabbers, girlfriends and boyfriends !
Say goodbye to high school drama !
and oh, i really can't wait for my prom party tomorrow
byebye then :-)
19 Juni 2009
My fav model (or style icon?)

18 Juni 2009
You dont need to hire a hairstylist, baby (hihi)
On the waaay, terus gara2 thafan jemput gw kecepetan jadinya gw ga sempet dandan dan nyatok blablabla padahal gw bener2 baru bangun huhu (tapi udah mandi kok tenang aja) jadi keliatan pucet banget yah? gara2 liat hasil foto yang ini thafan bela2in berenti dulu di pinggir jalan di pi cuma buat nungguin gw dandan, soalnya gw ga bisa make eyeliner kalo mobilnya jalan haha :--D
terus kita sempet bingung mau potong dimana, setelah muter2 akhirnya kita mutusin buat nyari salon di daerah gandaria aja, kan daerah situ sederetan banyak salon2 bagus. terus kita sempet udah parkir di salah satu salon tapi pas thafan masuk, dia langsung keluar lagi gamau gara2 isinya banci semua, ih aneh banget kan. Akhirnya kita ke salon yang di sebelahnya deh. Udah gitu mas2nya kaya ga bener2 ngerti model rambut yang gw pengen, jadinya tuh lamaaa banget setengah jam lebih baru selesai. Sebenernya gw kurang puas sih soalnya yang bagian atas jambangnya itu ga ditipisin banget sama mas2nya, soalnya takut jelek gitu katanya. Tapi menurut gw malah jadi nanggung deh.
hihi terus setelah rambut thafan beresssss kita ke pim bentar cuma buat makan sushitei terus pulang deh huhu padahal gw lagi pengen makan seafood yang di fatmawati ituuuu.
nb: sabtu ini gw wisudaaaaaaaa waow i can't wait!
kick ya lateeeeeer!
15 Juni 2009
Prom pram prom
Terus pas gw sampe rumah, temen nyokap gw (yang ngejaitin baju dressnya) udah ada di rumah udah siap buat ngukur2 segala macem, dan yang bikin nyesek ternyata untuk design dress yang gw mau tuh butuh bahan 5 meter. Jadi gw butuh beli bahan sutra+silk chiffon 3 meter lagi dan itu artinya gw bakal ngabisin dana nyaris sejuta cuma buat bahan doaaaaaaaaaang ditambah lagi ntar ongkos jaitnya 1jt huhuhu padahal gw rencananya gamau ngabisin dana lebih dari 500rb buat dress prom, soalnya gw pikir useless aja kalo mahal2 cuma buat prom doang. tapi karena nyokap gw beliin bahannya yang itu jadi yaudah harus gimana lagi. Sebenernya gw seneng2 aja sih soalnya bahannya bagus banget dan temennya nyokap gw itu tuh bukan penjait asal, dia tuh designer terus punya butik juga gitu jadi pasti hasilnya bagus banget, tapi gw ga rela aja overbudget cuma gara2 dress prom huhuhu tapi yaudahlah semoga aja hasilnya bagus :s
ohya Alhamdulillah gw lega banget sama hasil pengumuman uan kemaren. Tapi turut sedih juga buat 8 orang temen gw yang belom seberuntung yang lain :'-(
13 Juni 2009
Grown old
I don't want. i really really don't want to be old.
It's not that i'm afraid of starting getting wrinkles, or crow's feet, or white hair, or anything, even well, i don't like those ideas too. I am just scared of myself getting older everyday. The more i am matured, the more i should've understood what i ought to do, do my own thing and not just standing still in the same place. In other words, i should change, move. But i don't know, or maybe i just don't want to.I want to live my everyday, without any single thought that my age is being added up. Every morning, or dawn, or maybe the night when i couldn't sleep, i woke up and found, i'd been a day older than who I was the day before. And then, by the next 365 days i would've been a year older. Doesn't it seem long? Setiap tahun baru, gw sering ngeliat temen2 dan orang2 disekitar gw sibuk bikin sederet panjang list 'this year resolution' or something like that. Yah emang sih, logically, there should be a huge chance for us to change in a year. But for me, it wasn't, really. I was still the same person, changing only a bit and was obviously not worth a year to be like that.
Kalo ngomongin ini, gw jadi inget sama temen gw, Argi. One day gw pernah liat pm msn dia 'takut dewasa', and im shocked, ternyata temen gw sendiri juga ada yang berpikiran sama kaya gw. Terus akhirnya gw chat sama dia dan ngomongin sedikit tentang hal ini. Alesannya sih sama, we're just not ready yet to carrying an unbearable burden on our tiny shoulders. And now, i think its normal for me to worried about this one, khususnya buat yang seumuran gw (yang baru lulus sma dan ngerasa 'dipaksa' ngehadapin dunia yang jauh lebih dewasa dan sangat menuntut), it's very normal. Because being adult is pathetic, really. And thinking that every teenager, is thinking this way, sounds more pathetic, doesn't it?
I feel that life is being too fast. Hey, it's 2009! I'll be eighteen. And soon it will be 2010. I'll be nineteen. Twenty. Twenty! Can you imagine that? Oh gosh, I don't want to grow up anymore. I don't want to be dead either. I want to live without getting older.
Maybe I just want to be seventeen forever.
Im selfish, aren't it?
02 Juni 2009
Another boring day
And i can't get these songs out of my head today :
Lady Gaga - again again
(recommended by asteria, last night when he came to my house to sleep over hihi)
You've gotta a lotta lotta nerve
Coming here when i'm still with him
And i can't have you, it isn't fair
Born march of '86, my birthday's coming
And if i had one wish
Yeah, you'd be it
When you're 'round
I lose myself inside your mouth
You've got brown eyes
Like no one else
Baby make it to me
Again and again
Again, again, again, again
Never stop again and again
Again, again, a-a-again, again..............