That's him with his hockey costume. I really loooooooove the number! (he picked our favourite number) yeeeey! <3
At that day, i accompanied him for 12 hours! can you imagine? 12 jam di senayan, dan sorenya sempet keujanan pula huhu but it doesnt really matter sih, malahan gw seneng bisa seharian sama dia (owww). Lumayan rame anak 46 yang dateng kesana, dan banyak juga yang masih pada gimanaaaaaaaaaa gitu ngeliat gw bareng thafan (i cant explain it, but im sure you guys can understand it, hehe) wajar sih, secara our relationship never really being exposed since we've been together. Kenapa gw baru mau nge-expose hubungan gw akhir2 ini? soalnya, honestly, dulu gw masih belom siap diomongin sama orang2. Bukannya pedeeee, but at my school, even walls have ears, so you must act carefully if you dont want being talked. Dan kenapa gw takut banget diomongin sama temen-temen sekolah gw sendiri? because sometimes their words are as sharp as needles and blades, and i always dont have a chance to clarify everything because they always make their own conclusions. But now, i really dont care about all those thiiiiiiiiings :----D
One important thing that people must know is, our relationship isn't as weak as it seems. One day, dia pernah ngelakuin kesalahan yang besaaaaar banget dan (menurut gw) itu udah fatal banget deh. Terus gw cerita sama regina, sahabat gw. Gw bener2 nyeritain semua yang bikin gw kesel sambil nangis ga karuan. And then she asked me, "yaudah kalo dia udah jahat sama lo, why do you still fall with him? what do you see in him?" Considering her words, i wondered, kept thinking and couldn't find the answer or reason that would fit the question.
Later, there is someone said "You've overrated him. He's just a cruel liar, a jerk"
Maybe she's true, but, what could i say?
There're gazillion guys out there, which, maybe, better i guess.
But when it comes to him, no words needed.
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